

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Abstract Reference: 31678
Identifier: D9
Presentation: Demo Booth
Key Theme: 1 Reduction and Analysis Algorithms for Large Databases and Vice-versa

ESO-Reflex for the Very Large Telescope

Lars Lundin, Ralf Palsa

ESO-Reflex for the Very Large Telescope We present ESO-Reflex, a graphical tool for reducing VLT/VLTI science data using the ESO pipelines. ESO-Reflex is based on the concept of a scientific workflow, built upon the Kepler workflow system, and is used for the development of data reduction workflows based on the ESO Common Pipeline Library for all new VLT instruments. The data reduction cascade is rendered graphically and data seamlessly flow from one processing step to the next. The data organization necessary to reduce the data is built into the system and is fully automatic. It is distributed with a number of complete test datasets so that users can immediately start experimenting and familiarize themselves with the system.