ID Title Abstract First name Last name
O1.2 The EUCLID archive system: a data-centric approach to big data 30763 Sara Nieto
O1.3 Towards a Self-Healing Archive 30788 Stephan Witz
O2.1 Instantaneous Archives 30834 Walter Landry
O2.2 The JCMT SCUBA-2 Legacy Release: Unexpected Benefits and Lessons Learned 30786 Sarah Graves
O2.3 ESASky: A simple/performant interface on massive astronomical data 30774 Jesús Salgado
O2.4 Next generation Firefly for web application 30764 Wu Xiuqin
O3.2 Long-term management of 1000s of All-Sky reference data sets using the HiPS network 30293 Pierre Fernique
O3.3 What is SIMBAD, and what is it not? 30265 Cécile Loup
O3.4 Linking the Literature to the Data 30777 Karen Levay
O4.2 The AGILE pipeline for Gravitational Waves events follow-up 30836 Andrea Zoli
O4.3 CLEOPATRA: Connecting Locations of ESFRI Observatories and Partners in Astronomy for Timing and Real-time Alerts 26999 Arpad Szomoru
O4.4 Optimised workspaces enhance time-critical astronomy 30288 Bernard Meade
O5.2 COTS software in science operations, is it worth it? 30740 William O`Mullane
O5.3 The Research Data Alliance: building bridges to enable scientific data sharing 30046 Francoise Genova
O5.4 Extending Support for Large Distributed Projects through Interoperability 30779 Séverin Gaudet
O6.1 The FRIPON project or Pride and Prejudice in Citizen Sciences 30820 Chiara Marmo
O6.2 Designing modular software for template fitting photo-z estimation 30774 Nikolaos Apostolakos
O6.3 Optimization of Multi-band Galaxies Cataloguing: Description of the Data Mangement Pipeline 30195 María José Márquez
O7.1 The Challenges of a Public Data Release: behind the scenes of SDSS DR13 30784 Anne-Marie Weijmans
O7.2 Hosting astronomical data in sharded SQL databases 30769 Anastasia Galkin
O7.3 Spatial indexes in PostgreSQL for astronomy 30751 Alexander Korotkov
O8.1 Separating detection and catalog production: a step towards Algorithms for Large Databases and Vice-versa 30309 Mohammad Akhlaghi
O8.3 An Enhanced Multiwavelength Photometric Catalog for the Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey 30765 Kristina Nyland
O8.4 Crossmatching variable objects with the Gaia data 30333 Lorenzo Rimoldini
O8.5 Euclid near-infrared imaging reduction pipeline: astrometric calibration, resampling and stacking 30825 Ronaldo da Silva
O9.1 Application of Compressive Sensing to Gravitational Microlensing Data and Implications for Miniaturized Space Observatories 30178 Asmita Korde-Patel
O9.2 Machine Learning Variability Classification in the OGLE Project 30800 Michal Pawlak
O10.3 The Common Archive Observation Model: Inside the Data Centre 30742 Patrick Dowler Donovan
O10.4 A Provenance Data Model for Astronomy 30804 Kristin Riebe
O11.2 JOVIAL: Jupyter OVerrIde for Astronomical Libraries 30759 Mauricio Araya
O11.3 Sherpa, Python, and Astronomy. A successful co-evolution 30838 Omar Laurino
O11.4 ADMIT: ALMA Data Mining Toolkit 30827 Peter Teuben
O12.2 Massive Scientific Workloads: Lessons Learned From Petaflop-Scale Weather Simulations 30818 Francesco Pierfederici
O12.3 HPC Development for the ALMA Pipeline 30798 Sandra Castro
O12.4 FACT-Tools – Processing High-Volume Telescope Data 30557 Jens Buss
O13.2 Using CernVM-FS to deploy Euclid processing S/W on Computing Centres 30796 Maurice Poncet
O13.3 3 New Trends in HPC and Distributed Computing 30840 Andre Schaaff
O14.1 Building a community of tech savvy astronomers in the era of “big-data" and "data science" 30287 Arna Karick