
ESAC Science Data Center (ESDC) - ESA/ESAC

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Abstract Reference: 31329
Identifier: P4.14
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 4 Long-term Management of Data Archives

XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) (lightning talk)

María Henar Sarmiento, Elena Colomo, Maria Arévalo, Jesús Salgado, Deborah Baines, Bruno Merín, Christophe Arviset, Nora Loiseau

Since April 2002, first version of the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA), the ESA Science Data Centre Team (ESDC) has improved and updated this valuable service to the X-Ray Astronomical Community.
Based on the ABSI (Archive Building System Infrastructure), the XSA has a common architecture with the rest of the archives developed by ESA for the astronomical missions. That produces a similar look and feel and it gets benefit of upgrades on other archives.
In 2013, a full redesign was implemented into the archive to produce a pure Web based interface using state of the art technologies: a modern User Interface using GWT (Google Web Toolkit), complex geometrical queries support by using data base geometrical indexing (pgsphere) and updates on the Virtual Observatory services.
Recently, a new IVOA TAP complaint service (Tabular Access Protocol) interface has been made available to access the metadata of the XMM Epic Source catalogue, OM source catalogue and Slew catalogue in a very powerful interface, allowing data mining tasks.
Also, and in line with the development of the ESA Sky application, new HiPS (Hierarchical Progressive Survey) has been generated for EPIC and OM cameras to expose XMM-Newton data in an exploration interface.
Finally, although XMM-Newton mission is still in operations, the XMM-Newton Science Archive is already ready for the legacy phase that will take place in the next years.