ID Title Abstract First name Last name
P1.1 ASC Correlator and Astro Space Locator software: Data processing in “Radioastron” mission. 30077 Andrey Andrianov
P1.2 Analysis tool using running-difference polar representation of SDO big data 31072 Ji-Hye Baek
P1.3 Photometric conservation in HiPS processing 31166 François Bonnarel
P1.4 Ariadne: a system for evaluation of AMAZED's spectroscopic redshift estimation efficiency 31147 Renato Borges
P1.5 Real Time Streaming Analysis of IACT Data 30830 Kai Brügge
P1.6 QSFit: a new software for AGN optical spectral analysis. 30815 Giorgio Calderone
P1.7 Applications of Open-source Spatio-Temporal Database Systems in Wide-field Time-domain Astronomy 30308 Seo-Won Chang
P1.8 Advanced Data Reduction for the MUSE Deep Fields 31090 Simon Conseil
P1.9 Computational Intelligence for Stellar Magnetic Fields Parameter Determination 30248 Juan Córdova Barbosa
P1.10 Effect of the signal to noise ratio on the accuracy of the automatic spectral classification of stellar spectra. 30341 Luis Corral
P1.11 Matched Aperture Photometry in the Wide Field Astronomy Unit Science Archives 31290 Nicholas Cross
P1.12 Reconstruction of Solar X-ray Images from Visibilities with Compressed Sensing 31482 Simon Felix
P1.13 Field tests for the ESPRESSO data analysis software 30770 Guido Cupani
P1.14 The ALMA Science Pipeline 30934 Vincent Geers
P1.15 Data Delivery for the ESA Gaia Data Release 1 31194 Juan Gonzalez-Nuñez
P1.16 Euclid Detections 30771 Martin Kuemmel
P1.18 Vienna survey in Orion - VISTA data reduction techniques 30332 Stefan Meingast
P1.19 Data Compression for optical movie data of the Tomo-e Gozen 31312 Mikio Morii
P1.20 Trillian: An All-Sky, Multiwavelength Computation Framework 30330 Demitri Muna
P1.21 Automatic spectral classification of galaxies using SPITZER data 30202 Silvana G. Navarro
P1.22 Deblending in crowded star fields using convolutional neural networks 30889 Maxime Paillassa
P1.23 Development of a forecast model of solar wind speed using the convolution neural network 31070 Jongyeob Park
P1.24 HiPS Catalogue Generation 30890 François-Xavier Pineau
P1.25 C3: A Command-line Catalogue Cross-matching tool for modern astrophysical survey data 30219 Giuseppe Riccio
P1.26 Mining for Spectra - The Dortmund Spectrum Estimation Algorithm 30517 Tim Ruhe
P1.27 AMAZED : Algorithm for Massive Automated Z Evaluation and Determination 31085 Alain Schmitt
P1.28 Using Machine Learning for Identification of Artifacts and Interesting Celestial Objects in LAMOST Spectral Survey 30801 Petr Škoda
P1.29 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Success of the Kepler Transit Finding Pipeline and its Adaptation to the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) 30336 Jeffrey Smith
P1.30 MCMC algorithms at the service of exo-planets hunters 30230 Danuta Sosnowska
P1.31 All of the Sky: HEALPix density maps of Gaia-scale datasets from the database to the desktop 31121 Mark Taylor
P1.32 Dish Washer: a software tool for RFI mitigation in single-dish radio astronomical observations 31116 Alessandra Zanichelli
P1.33 Extra-Trees for Photometric Redshift Estimation of Quasars 30785 Yanxia Zhang
P1.34 ARTEMIX (Alma RemoTE MIning eXperiment) 31664 Philippe Salomé
P1.35 Cross-matching the Chandra Source Catalog 31003 Arnold Rots
P1.36 Architecture of processing and analysis system for Big astronomical Data 30805 Ivan Kolosov
P1.37 IBIS-A The IBIS solar spectropolarimetric data Archive 30849 Ilaria Ermolli
P2.1 SKA Monitor and Control: Harmonization Challenges 31146 Carlo Baffa
P2.2 Machine Learning approaches for detection and classification of astrochemical spectral lines 30241 Alejandro Barrientos
P2.3 DISCOS project status and evolution towards Continuous Integration 30318 Marco Bartolini
P2.4 Visual Analytics in Astrophysics: an integrated tool based on VisIVO 30799 Ugo Becciani
P2.5 How Managing The Montage Image Mosaic Engine Has Expanded Its Breadth of Use 30720 Bruce Berriman
P2.6 Interacting with SDSS-IV MaNGA Data using Marvin 30282 Brian Cherinka
P2.7 Web-based quick data analysis tools JUDO2 and UDON2 31358 Ken Ebisawa
P2.8 Evaluation of COTS tools – Lessons from BepiColombo provide a methodical approach 31360 Ranpal Gill
P2.9 ASTERICS/OBELICS Authentication and Authorization: investigations and status 30810 Cristina Knapic
P2.10 The Binary star DataBase BDB v3.0 30213 Dana Kovaleva
P2.11 A new Web interface for SAADA 30856 Laurent Michel
P2.12 Towards a Common Software Engineering Environment for Science Operations 30515 Vicente Navarro
P2.13 The design strategy of scientific data quality control software for Euclid mission. 30807 Kari Nilsson
P2.14 Integration of the Data Reduction Pipeline of EMIR during its commissioning 31176 Sergio Pascual
P2.15 Applicability of Agile Scrum to BepiColombo MPO Science Ground Segment Development 31069 Fernando Perez-Lopez
P2.16 Probability Density Functions for Astronomy 30927 Kai Polsterer
P2.17 APERICubes - an on-line Astronomical and Planetary Ergonomic Research Interface for data Cubes 31316 Renaud Savalle
P2.18 EasyLife: A Conceptual framework for semi-automatic survey management 30327 Paolo Scala
P2.19 MeerKAT Data Center Technology Spotlight 31179 Christopher Schollar
P2.20 Debian Astro: An open computing platform for astronomy 29287 Ole Streicher
P2.21 PF-SPE : A spectroscopic redshift measurement and spectral features extraction prototype for EUCLID 31100 Christian Surace
P2.22 SKA : the A&A requirements and prototype 30816 Franco Tinarelli
P2.23 Collaborative visual analytics of large radio surveys 30256 Dany Vohl
P2.24 The ASTRODEEP Frontier Fields portal 30967 Pascal Wassong
P2.25 Implementation of Stellar Parameters Estimation in ASERA 30951 Hailong Yuan
P2.26 Prototype VOEvent Network System for the SVOM Chinese Ground Segment 31027 Mo Zhang
P2.27  Managing the ASKAP Computing project: from inception to Early Science Operations 31259 Juan Guzman
P2.28 Virtual Infrastructure Architecture for the StarFormMapper H2020 Science Project 31681 José María Herrera Fernández
P2.29 SciApp: A scientific web collaboration tool 31680 Aitor Ibarra Ibaibarriaga
P2.30 ASPIC & GAZPAR : National Services Observation in Astronomy - Astrophysics at CESAM 31539 Chrystel Moreau
P2.31  The management of risks in the Euclid SGS 31679  Claudio Vuerli
P2.32 Extracting Filaments Based on Morphology Components Analysis from Radio Astronomical Images 31035 Fu Qing Duan
P3.1 A real-time Single Pulse detection algorithm for GPUs 30835 Karel Adámek
P3.2 Accelerated Distributed Visualisation in The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO) 30079 Elliott Ayling
P3.3 A PLC distributed layout: the case of the Instrument Control Electronics of ESPRESSO 31126 Veronica Baldini
P3.4 Pre-feasibility Study of Astronomical Data Archive Systems Powered By Public Cloud Computing and Hadoop Hive 31029 Satoshi Eguchi
P3.5 The Euclid Science Ground Segment distributed infrastructure: system integration and challenges 30782 Marco Frailis
P3.6 Cloud Driven Multidisciplinary Changes to Computing Infrastructure at Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation 30959 Blaise Kuo Tiong
P3.7 Astronomical Computing Environment of the Hybrid Architecture 30823 Changhua Li
P3.8 Docker in Production: Experiences with Data Processing and Inspection 30347 Jan David Mol
P3.9 Kliko - a Scientific Computer Container Format 30768 Gijs Molenaar
P3.10 TAPping into Hadoop with AAO Data Central 30791 Simon O'Toole
P3.11 HST/JWST Data Processing Performance under HTCondor/OWL 31132 Michael Swam
P3.12 Imaging SKA-Scale Data on Cloud and Supercomputer Infrastructure using Drops and a Data Flow Management System 30342 Kevin Vinsen
P3.13 Application of HPC and vectorization solutions to data calibration and Hillas-method reconstruction for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes 30806 Thomas Vuillaume
P4.1 Discovering European Hubble Science Archive Data 30993 Maria Arevalo Sanchez
P4.2 Building an interoperable distributed storage and authorization system 31344 Sara Bertocco
P4.3 LBT: INDIGO-DataCloud solutions for an Astronomical Distributed Archive 31094 Andrea Bignamini
P4.4 Common access to 2-D and 3-D galactic radio surveys within the VIALACTEA project 30793 Robert Butora
P4.5 VOAlerts : VO-enabled data service discovery 31006 Sébastien Derriere
P4.6 Decoupling the Archive 30973 Kimberly DuPrie
P4.7 Generation and publication of Gaia Data Release 1 in the Gaia Archive 30997 Javier Duran
P4.8 Asiago astronomical archive: status and features 30978 Elisa Londero
P4.9 Enhanced capabilities of the ESO Science Archive Facility user interfaces 31170 Alberto Micol
P4.10 Organizing standardisation of astronomical data access: the IVOA DAL WG current experience 30831 Marco Molinaro
P4.11 What is in SIMBAD ? 31658 Anais Oberto
P4.12 25 Years of Planetary Data Archiving with NASA's PDS: Lessons Learned the Hard Way 31251 Anne Raugh
P4.13 The Keck Observatory Archive 31440 Luca Rizzi
P4.14 XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA) 31329 María Henar Sarmiento
P4.15 The pipeline for the ExoMars DREAMS scientific data archiving 31128 Pietro Schipani
P4.16 Storage and processing of big data volume for Space-VLBI projects (Radioastron and Millimetron Missions). 29843 Marina Shatskaya
P4.17 Archive, discover and match compact and diffuse objects on the galactic plane in the VIALACTEA project 30803 Riccardo Smareglia
P4.18 The Role of the Euclid Archive System in the Processing of Euclid and External Data 31181 Owen Williams
P4.19 Beyond the Login: Transactional Randomized Authentication for Data DOwnload 31641 Thomas Winegar
P4.20 SpArc: Preservation of 20 years of Spectrographic Data 27000 Michael D Young
P4.21 Long-term data management in the SAO RAS archive system 30127 Olga Zhelenkova
P4.22 SAO's Public Archive of Echelle Reticon Spectra 31364 Jessica Mink
P5.1 Mitigating radiation damage effects in the HST/WFC3 CCD detectors 31410 Sylvia Baggett
P5.2 Mapping images and spectra metadata with ObsCore DM 30903 Gilles Landais
P5.3 The SkyView Survey Data Model 31246 Thomas McGlynn
P5.4 Medicina, Noto and VLBI-IT Radio Archive: modelling radio data formats. 30808 Simona Righini
P5.5 Structuring metadata for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 30821 Mathieu Servillat
P6.1 TAP Support in PyVO 30964 Stefan Becker
P6.2 MOCPy, a Python library to manipulate spatial coverage maps 30897 Thomas Boch
P6.3 Satellite Detection in Advanced Camera for Surveys/Wide Field Channel Images 31061 David Borncamp
P6.4 The Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Quicklook Project 31095 Matthew Bourque
P6.5 Using Python to simplify the automatic wavelength calibration of EMIR spectroscopic data 31183 Nicolás Cardiel
P6.6 Reducing Optical Observations with Python 30486 Steve Crawford
P6.7 An open catalog for TeV gamma-ray astronomy 30792 Christoph Deil
P6.8 Publishing Gaia Science Alerts 31338 Arancha Delgado
P6.9 The JWST Data Analysis Toolkit 31351 Justin Ely
P6.10 PNGS: an API ecosystem for Astronomical Applications Development 30328 Marco Fumana
P6.11 "Python code parallelization, challenges and alternatives" 30567 Justo Gonzalez
P6.12 Porting the LSST Data Management Pipeline Software to Python 3 31240 Tim Jenness
P6.13 Queue Mode Software for Subaru Telescope 31356 Eric Jeschke
P6.14 A Citizen Science Powered Distributed Modeling Software Stack Written in Python: SpaghettiLens 31679 Rafael Kueng
P6.15 SimCADO - a python package for simulating detector output for MICADO at the E-ELT 31196 Kieran Leschinski
P6.16 Monitoring & Control Software for the new Westerbork Phased-Array Feed System 30532 Marcel Loose Loose
P6.17 Modelling of Zodiacal Light Emission for Space Missions 30723 Michele Maris
P6.18 Scaling Up Data Cube Indexing Services for Content-based Searches in the Chilean Virtual Observatory 30383 Marcelo Mendoza
P6.19 Towards robotic operation of the First G-APD Cherenkov Telescope 30794 Maximilian Noethe
P6.20 MAISIE: a Multipurpose Astronomical Instrument SImulator Environment 31047 Alan O'Brien
P6.21 MPDAF - A Python package for the analysis of VLT/MUSE data 30268 Laure Piqueras
P6.22 Scalability of an MPI4PY implementation of a 2D correlation code versus MPI 31192 Frederic Raison
P6.23 MCP - The Wendelstein Observatory Master Control Program 31129 Jan Snigula
P6.24 Using Python and Databases to Monitor the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph 31248 Joanna Taylor
P6.25 Compression of smooth one-dimensional data series using "polycomp" 30748 Maurizio Tomasi
P7.1 Prospects about X- and gamma-ray counterparts of gravitational wave signals with INTEGRAL 31340 Philippe Bacon
P8.1 Astrophysics Source Code Library: Here we grow again! 31267 Alice Allen
P8.2 SBC Point Spread Functions and Encircled Energy Curves 31247 Roberto Avila
P8.3 Interpolation between Compact Binary Population Synthesis Models 30461 Jim Barrett
P8.4 VisiOmatic 2: a web client for remote visualization with real-time mixing of multispectral data 31350 Emmanuel Bertin
P8.5 Hosts, Guests and Shadows: Scheduling the SKA Telescopes 31046 Alan Bridger
P8.6 A versatile software to support interferometric array configuration decision. 31073 Michel Caillat
P8.7 Case study: the use of Nagios to monitoting the complex facility of Telescope Manager (TM) of Square Kilometer Array (SKA) 31277 Matteo Canzari
P8.8 SIRENA: software for Athena X-IFU event reconstruction 31182 Maria Teresa Ceballos
P8.9 Software Integration for the ASTRI SST-2M prototype proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array 30431 Vito Conforti
P8.10 HIPS for spectroscopic observations 30744 Daniel Durand
P8.11 2dFdr - still going strong after 20 years! 31101 Tony Farrell
P8.12 MOSCA: A generic library for MOS data reduction 31125 Cesar Enrique Garcia Dabo
P8.13 The Euclid mission planning software 31320 Pedro Gomez-Alvarez
P8.14 Characterising radio telescope software with the Workload Characterisation Framework 30841 Yan Grange
P8.15 Searching for Stellar Debris Streams in All-WISE 31250 Carl Grillmair
P8.16 Evolving Solar Data Analysis Environment 31160 Neal Hurlburt
P8.18 Visualization and customized analyzes with AstroCloud 30509 Faviola Molina
P8.19 Progress of computer and network replacement at Subaru Telescope 31346 Junichi Noumaru
P8.20 Catalogue of the XMM-Newton Pipeline products. Present and Future 31239 Jose Vicente Perea-Calderon
P8.21 XID+ a new prior-based extraction tool for Herschel-SPIRE maps 31384 Yannick Roehlly
P8.22 Usage of an End-to-End Simulator for Instrument Operations: Application to the Euclid Mission 30766 Erik Romelli
P8.23 Update of the JVO Subaru Suprime-Cam mosaic image archive 31118 Yuji Shirasaki
P8.24 Gaia Downlink and Uplink Processing 31225 Hassan Siddiqui
P8.25 The ALMA Science Archive: Construction 31031 Felix Stoehr
P8.26 OPERA: and open-source pipeline for escelle spectrographs 30787 Kanoa Withington
P8.27 An Automated Galaxy Recognition and Redshift Measurement System for Low-resolution Spectra 31155 Jiannan Zhang
P8.28 Astronomical big data testing of astronomical data analysis software and systems 31043 Lixiao Zhou
P8.29 APOGEO: an automatic management system for astronomical portals 30795 Sonia Zorba
P8.30 AstroNomical Information System V3 31592 François Agneray
undef Kepler photometric analysis software: architecture and algorithms 30976 Dave Morris