
University of Chile

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Abstract Reference: 30509
Identifier: P8.18
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 8 Other

Visualization and customized analyzes with AstroCloud

Molina Faviola Z., Salgado Ronie, Bergel Alexandre

It is common to find astronomers running their own tools, or distributed computational packages, for data analysis and then visualizing the results with generic applications. This chain of processes comes at high cost: (a) analyses are manually applied, they are therefore difficult to be automatized, and (b) data have to be serialized, thus increasing the cost of parsing and saving intermediary data. We are developing AstroCloud, an agile visualization multipurpose platform intended for specific analyses of astronomical images ( This platform incorporates domain-specific languages which make it easily extensible. AstroCloud supports customized plug-ins, which translate into time reduction on data analysis. Moreover, it also supports 2D and 3D rendering, including interactive features in real time. AstroCloud is under development. Currently, it incorporates the most used python libraries such as astropy. We are currently implementing different choices for physical analyses.