
CNRS - Laboratoire d`Astrophysique de Marseille, Marseille

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Miscellaneous Information

Abstract Reference: 31539
Identifier: P2.30
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 2 Management of Scientific and Data Analysis Projects

ASPIC & GAZPAR : National Services Observation in Astronomy - Astrophysics at CESAM

Moreau Chrystel

The Astrophysical Data Center of Marseille (Centre de données Astrophysiques de Marseille -CeSAM) is a center of expertise which includes all activities at LAM processing, analysis, archiving and distribution of data from large-scale observation extra-galactic programs, in order to make them available to the community. CESAM enables the production of high-value data , through the development or integration of specific softwares ( GAZPAR ) and make them available to the scientific community through generic tools and / or specific projects developed within the framework scientists ( ASPIC ).