
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Abstract Reference: 31350
Identifier: P8.4
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 8 Other

VisiOmatic 2: a web client for remote visualization with real-time mixing of multispectral data

Emmanuel Bertin, Chiara Marmo, Hervé Bouy

VisiOmatic (Bertin et al. 2015) is a JavaScript client built on top of the Leaflet library for visualizing extremely large scientific images in regular web browsers. We present the version 2 of VisiOmatic, which offers a number of enhancements, including real-time mixing of multispectral datacubes.
VisiOmatic is embeddable in regular Web pages, blog posts, portals, or wiki entries, and compatible with touchscreen interfaces such as those offered by iOS and Android mobile devices. The position and appearance of widgets is fully customizable through module options and Cascading Style Sheets.