
Crawford Steve
South African Astronomical Observatory
South Africa

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Abstract Reference: 30486
Identifier: P6.6
Presentation: Poster presentation
Key Theme: 6 Python in Astronomy

Reducing Optical Observations with Python

Crawford Steve

In addition to instrument specific python pipelines, there now exists a suite of tools available for general reduction of optical observations. This includes ccdproc, an astropy affiliated package for basic CCD reductions. The package is useful from student tutorials for learning CCD reductions to  building science-quality reduction pipelines for observatories. In addition, we also present specreduce, a python package for reducing optical spectroscopy. The package includes an interactive graphical users interface for line identification as well as tools for extracting spectra. With this set of tools, pipelines can be built for instruments in relatively short times. While nearly complete, further improvements and enhancements are still needed and contributions are welcome.