
Astronom Department - University of Maryland, College Park, MD , USA
United States

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Abstract Reference: 30827
Identifier: O11.4
Presentation: Oral communication
Key Theme: 6 Python in Astronomy 

ADMIT: ALMA Data Mining Toolkit

Teuben Peter, Friedel Doug, Harris Robert, Kern Jeff, Looney Leslie, Mundy Lee, Marc Pound, Rauch Kevin, Xu Lisa, 

ADMIT (ALMA Data Mining Toolkit) is a python toolkit that allows pipelines to be built in terms of re-runnable flows. The current implementation calls CASA tasks and tools, in order to process large ALMA datacubes, identify spectral lines, cut line cubes, produce moment maps, identify sources and clumps etc. The talk highlight both the concepts of an ADMIT flow, as well as the data products it produces, which eventually will make their way into the ALMA archive for users to download and re-run.

Abstract Reference: 31169
Identifier: B3
Presentation: BoF
Key Theme: 8 Other 

Implementing Ideas for Improving Software Citation and Credit (documentation on Google Docs)

Teuben Peter, Allen Alice, Berriman G. Bruce, DuPrie Kimberly, Mink Jessica, Shortridge Keith, Rein Warmels

Improving software citation and credit continues to be a topic of interest across and within many disciplines, with numerous efforts underway. Last year, the Center for Open Science (1) published Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines (2) and earlier this year, the Force11 (3) Software Citation Working Group (4) released its Software Citation Principles (5). The Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE) (6) continues its efforts (7) on software publication, citation, credit, and sustainability, and a Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop on Engineering Academic Software (8) will soon release a manifesto addressing many issues in this area. These efforts and last year’s ADASS BoF on Improving Software Citation and Credit (9) have all generated actionable ideas, some of which the community at large -- such as ADASS participants! -- can implement, such as:
- collecting and publishing stories from people who have released their software and what their views are on releasing software;
- encouraging your university to ask about software on the annual research activity report; and
- creating a path for organizations to award a prize to software authors for software contributions to research results.
In this BoF, we will start with a list of actionable ideas and then work in pairs or small groups to begin the work of implementing them. We will then share with the entire group the progress made and discuss how to disseminate or continue the work already done.
